We’re looking at this from the wrong angle. Kids don’t need more school. They need communities that allow for free play. And parents…all adults, need a more humane work schedule. We need unions to push back our work days to some thing that allows for a family life. We act like it’s okay for work to demand more and more of our time. But head overseas and no one would tolerate a schedule that interfered with family life. Most people get 6-8 weeks of paid vacation every year!! Long summer breaks are the norm!! Work days are done, really done, by 4:30. People go home to families or join clubs. During WW2 the federal government funded high quality daycare so women could work! Let’s get that going again along with summer programs and a movement for adults to get back their free time!

Kathleen Cawley
Kathleen Cawley

Written by Kathleen Cawley

Physician Asst., twin mom, author of “Navigating the Shock of Parenthood: Warty Truths and Modern Practicalities" Available where books are sold.

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